
Showing posts from September, 2024

OSR and secrets of the watery deep

A cleric near OneKeep - Oderic - mentioned the last words of a fading sailor - about the Wreck of the Marshall . Originally reported in The Ghosts of Saltmarsh , the sailor warned that two ghosts haunted the sunken Marshall . With his last breath, the sailor said, 'All's there, but ask b'for takin', yur gotsa askum first..."  Oderic's story got me thinking about secrets of the watery deep . *** Likely you've heard the sailor Ishmael's account of ' the most wondrous phenomenon which the secret seas have hitherto revealed to mankind .'  In Herman Melville's Moby Dick , chapter 59, Ishmael reports a 'transparent blue morning at sea' and its revelation of the giant squid. A vast pulpy mass, furlongs in length and breadth, of a glancing cream colour, lay floating on the water, innumerable long arms radiating from its centre, and curling and twisting like a nest of anacondas, as if blindly to clutch at any hapless object within reach. No p