Max Carr: An Old School Sculptor

For OSR October 11th, let’s celebrate the miniatures of Max Carr, who in the 1970’s sculpted figures Heritage released after Ralph Bakshi’s movie, “The Lord of the Rings.” If you knows anything about Max Carr, please let me know.

Here are drawings of Carr's Saruman (“Aruman” in the movie) and Gandalf.

                                [Images from the Heritage LOTR Minis Catalogue]

You feel their gestures, and the gravity of the figures on their stands.

Carr's minis are wonderful to paint - blunted detail, flowing cloaks, and open spaces for the paints to flow. Everything seems to move.

Here's Aragorn son of Arathorn, with no heavi-osity. The future king is protecting Frodo. He holds a sword and torch - flames blown back as he runs.

Here's Max Carr's druid. This old one extends his arm - calling arboreal power through the misteltoe. I have to mention the animated staff, in all its imperfection and weight.  

For another look at old school minis, check-out Greg Gillespie's blog, "Lead Men Tell no Tales."

Thanks for reading!



  1. You are behind on your posts. 🤣 JT

  2. I know - I had no idea that October had so many days! Thanks for writing JT!


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