TenKeep blog and Real Simple Sindication

My friend Dan wrote some information for anyone who wants to get a notice when a new TenKeep blog is posted. He wrote:

The TenKeep Blog is available via RSS. If you already know and use RSS, then you can add the TenKeep Blog to your RSS feed using this URL:


If you don't already know about RSS, here are some details:

RSS is "Real Simple Syndication." Geeks and even some real people use RSS to keep up to date on news, events, and the really cool ones use it to keep up to date on D&D.

Feedly.com is a very popular free RSS reader, and you can use it in a browser or on your phone/tablet.

Other popular RSS readers are in the app stores for your devices. Just pick one and pop in the URL for TenKeep:


The RSS might be something to check out.



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