OSR and sprites

Here's a slight blog about sprites.

First, some news from TenKeep. I heard it first hand from a guy who heard an eyewitness say, "At Silo Verde, sprites showed up." Says a swarm of 'em flew-in and put a curse on the brigand leader's horse - made her feel sun-sick and she wouldn't run. He said, "You could hear 'em laughing." Says they threw chunks of pure 'white' across the sand. Said, "They even led wounded hobbits to shade." 

This got me thinking about sprites.


Over Christmas I ordered a few minis from "Ral Partha Legacy." (check out their awesome website, https://ralparthalegacy.com).




You'll need a small brush to paint them. I bought 2 new paints to help with the colors: Army Painter "Glitter Green" for wings and "Azure Magic" for the stands. It's awesome seeing them fly around my place.


The OSE rules say sprites are "1' tall winged humanoids...shy, but driven by curiosity and their odd sense of humor." The rules help make sense of the business with the brigand leader's horse:

Five sprites can collectively curse a target...The effect is determined by the referee but will always be used to comical effect..."


So far, the only novel with sprites that I can remember is Michael Stackpole's The Crusader Road. I liked it; you could safely recommend it to someone young. I'm looking for another, so tell me if you know one. 

Thanks for reading.



  1. Maybe try the novel ShadowDale but I'm not sure


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