OSR and priests of nature

Imagine 'wandering monster' tables, not just for monsters. Resources you'd find in bogs: (1) wild beans, (2) a flower, (3) crawfish, (4) a healing herb, (5) a mineral, (6) marsh hen. Gets you thinking about druids, identifying plants and animals.


Norman - in OSE - says druids are 'priests of nature.' E.K. Johnston's novel, The Druid's Call recounts a younger druid, her early hardship, found family, and miraculous powers. Doric, a 5e, Tiefling druid. 

It's an almost-young-adult novel. I love it especially when Doric comes across an owlbear!

The owlbear stood at least ten feet high...Its face was more pointed than that of a regular bear. It didn't have teeth, but its hooked beak was the size of its head. Its talon's were at least five inches long, curling towards razor-sharp points...

In shock, Doric still sees the owlbear is wounded, protecting the cave it lives in. Attuned to 'the force of nature itself', Doric thought,

The owlbear wasn't a monster. It was just scared and alone.

Doric 'Wild Shapes' to the form of an owlbear!

Her owlbear was small, deliberately. She willed the white fur and feathers to match the wounded creature's and kept her beak and talons in proportion with her smaller form.

She coaxes the wounded owlbear to a rocky ridge, high and away in the mountains. Doric isn't Conan, not the Mouser - she's an awesome druid, preserving nature. 


The Druid's Call inspires a solo game. In the Meadery Mishap, you might remember a giant bee killed my magic user, Shaky! Oh! Why? Why was I fighting? A druid would make the difference!


I know an awesome druid. Sylcerin, my friend Dan's Locathah-friend. It's something, though, Sylcerin's not 7th level - he lacks Charm Immunity! Who or what can reach him? Here's Sylcerin, the great mini Dan painted. 










Thanks for reading! 


  1. I miss Sylceran, once we save the other worlds we are in we need to get back to him. Someday!

    1. I am definitely looking forward to that too!


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