OSR and Jack Vance's "Liane the Wayfarer"

That Dixieland jazz loving, Jack Vance’s story – Liane the Wayfarer – carries the torch for many an old school game. Only nine-pages long, the wayfaring is just a start.  


There’s Liane. He’s no good – killed a merchant this morning then fussed about blood on his shoes this afternoon. Got good advice from a wanderer, then killed him:

...dropped a block of granite large as his head. A thud, a croak, a gasp – and Liane went his way.

No good and yet he's human. Confronting unknown, arcane power, Liane panics. Enraptured by a golden witch, he swoons. Preening with newfound power, he oversteps.


Liane the Wayfarer’s a tale of (un)courtly love. Liane’s no Lancelot, not Sir Gawain. In Vance’s tale, Lith (as in lithesome) is Liane’s lady – and he must serve.

‘I am Lith,’ said she, ‘I am what you say I am. I ferment, I burn, I seethe. Yet I may have no lover but him who served me. He must be brave, swift, cunning.’

He serves her with a quest, or, for Liane, “wayfaring” – to steal an ancient tapestry. "'I go,' said Liane, 'One day to Kaiin, one day to steal, one day to return. Three days.'"


Liane the Wayfarer’s filled with Vancian magic. There’s Liane’s coronet, an ancient crown that one online reviewer compared to a bag of holding:

[Liane] turned into an archway, pulled his bronze ring over his head, down to his feet. He stepped through, brought the ring through inside the darkness. Sanctuary. He was alone in a dark magic space vanished from earthly gaze and knowledge.

There’s the spell Lith loosed – repulsing lusting Liane’s lunge:

“…twenty thin shafts darted out, twenty points pricking at his chest…”

And her explanation, “So easily could I seek your vitality…had I willed." Then there’s a spell-fest in the Magician’s Inn (e.g., “up from the tray came glittering motes, flashing the prismatic colors red, blue, green, yellow…”)


Liane the Wayfarer’s an unlikely story. Nothing's explained, ancient forces shape its action, and it's got a great punchline. But it's in many ways a dark one, "vanished from Earthly gaze and knowledge." If not a dark one, somehow gray, and fading.

Thanks for reading.


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